Know your strengths

Develop your personal brand

Who should attend?

Individuals who want to develop their personal brand and boost their professional evolution.


of this training is to provide managers with the keys to excel in their work by developing their unique personal brand:

  • Get to know themselves better, by identifying their strengths and preferences
  • Capitalize on your unique identity by focusing on your skills and expertise
  • Allow yourself to give the best of yourself, in all serenity
  • Learn to trust your heart & guts – the model “SISU”

A different and powerful program by going back to basics, in connection with oneself and others; and taking a step back to focus on the key differentiation / the strengths of the individual.

What stands out with this training

  • For the offsite / an unusual seminar location in the countryside, in a wooden conference room with several outside terraces or outside in nature, for a complete disconnection from the virtual and office work
  • Finnish facilitator / coach with the expertise in authentic leadership with over 20 years of management experience in international companies
  • Fully incarnating the finnish ‘Sisu’ in the design and actioning of this unique program (from A to Z) – by the founder
  • A team of coaches / trainers, aligned with the same types of practice, and used to working together in the same philosophy

The Options available

  • A personality profile assessment tool (MBTI / Colors DISC, 360°) can be carried out before the training
  • Equicoaching workshops (1/2 day or 1 day): an accelerator of awareness and a mirror on one’s style and emotions / emotional intelligence
  • Individual coaching sessions: to be deployed at the end of the training, to accompany action plans and personal progress over time


Four Modules for the KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS - DEVELOP YOUR PERSONAL BRAND (1-4 days customized for the client)

This training will allow your teams to focus on their strengths and professional ambitions, an essential first step in developing their personal brand and being motivated and performant.

Customized program

Module 1 : Getting to know yourself better

Module 2 : Identify your talents and specificities

Module 3 : Expressing your identity, Brand, in a professional context

Module 4 : Give the best of yourself

Teaching methods

A learner-centered pedagogy that builds on this knowledge and combines various modalities that make the learner the actor of his training.

Getting to know yourself better
  • 360° plus a personality questionnaire (DISC or MBTI colours) to be completed before the training
  • Analysis of the results and synthesis
  • Reconnect to the strongest moments
  • Debriefing in coaching mode, strong points / points of progress / ambitions
Expressing your identity, Brand, in a professional context
  • Develop your identity, your authentic brand and make it live in your professional posture
  • The values, talents & passions
  • The vision, mission, motivations, objectives & actions
Identify your talents and specificities
  • Take a step back and capitalize of your skills & expertise – Where do you make a real difference?
  • Know how to use your strengths in your communication and interpersonal relations
  • Let your strengths, desires and preferences express your style
Give the best of yourself
  • Refine your 3 C’s: Communication / Connection / Collaboration
  • Be Authentic and Agile – with the “Finnish SISU” a state of mind guided by determination and emotional resilience
  • Prioritize, Positivise & Persevere with Positive Intelligence